65% of primary caregivers have their own major health challenge or pass away before their spouse because they didn't have enough support. The fact that you're here reading these words is no accident. It's time to take control of what you can...start today!
Our coaching program includes:
- Three 1-hour Private Coaching sessions. Your private zoom sessions give you space to openly express your thoughts, concerns, and emotions in a supportive and understanding environment. We will explore strategies to help you manage uncertainty, cope with changes, reduce conflict, and carve out essential personal time without the guilt. You will learn practical tools and insights, giving you a renewed confidence, resilience, and a deeper connection to yourself and your spouse.
- Anytime access VOXER Coaching feedback. Enjoy staying connected with your coach for support whenever you need it. Download the app on your phone and get your day-by-day questions and concerns answered between your scheduled Zoom or telephone coaching sessions.
- The You & Me Fundamentals. Learn relationship best practices, communication tips, family transition techniques, and much more with our easy-to-read downloadable documents and caregiving formulas.
- And...because we specialize in family dynamics, anyone you would like to invite is welcome to join you for a session. Care can be a family affair!
Enroll today in Marriage and Dementia Coaching and take the first step to brighter days!