Thinking of hiring a caregiver?
Do it the right way...with Creative Companionship!™
Order today for just $35
Bring on the good stuff!
Every human being wants to feel a sense of connection, inclusion and purpose.'s the secret to bringing a caregiver into the home.
"This relationship-based program is pure gold...a fantastic tool for anyone providing care. "
Enjoy Seven Audio Lessons

The Art of Companionship
An essential element of person-centered care is creating a social and emotional connection.
Learning to be a creative companion
Generating positive feelings through creative expression
Providing companionship before care

Minding Your Mindset
Stereotypes and myths affect how we show up, so approaching situations with an open mind is critical.
Recognizing abilities and interests
Opening the door to communication
Creating purposeful engagement

Building Rapport
Establishing a relationship before providing care is the secret to successful caregiving.
Making a positive first impression
Leveraging shared experiences
Creating easy conversation

LESSONS 4, 5, 6
Dementia & Communication
Helping a person living with dementia feel understood and competent requires skill.
Responding to repetition and jumbled words
Positive expressions and conversation starters
Empathic listening

Responding to Resistance
Learn the three-step formula to overcoming resistance and anxiety.
Shifting out of logic and into emotion
Supporting the person in your care through difficult emotions
Getting comfortable being uncomfortable

We've Got You...So You Can Have Them!
- Empower yourself and your caregiver
- Improve quality of life
- Reduce your loved one's anxiety
- Increase caregiver retention
- Set everyone up for success
We're Lee and Robin
Co-Founders, You & Me Aging and Dementia Coaching
What's the most important factor to consider when hiring a caregiver?
It's all about compatibility and your hired caregiver's ability to establish a relationship BEFORE providing care.
It's the #1 reason your loved one may resist the idea of bringing someone into their home.
So, it's not enough to hope your hired caregiver knows how to engage in meaningful ways.
We've built a business on teaching family and professional caregivers how to support their loved one through life's transitions.
Are you ready to make a splash in the best way?
Get started today with Creative Companionship™!

"My husband's caregiver was more engaged and confident. It served us well!
- Patty Fisher

"Our caregiver used Creative's a gem. Love the focus on relationships."
- Joan Walters

"This relationship-based program is pure gold...a fantastic tool for anyone providing care. "