About Us

Are you ready to show up for your loved one without the stress and anxiety? 


In 2005, we began the important work of helping family caregivers and their loved ones successfully manage late-life transitions.  

Now, almost 20 years later, when we tell you we have seen it all, we mean it!

The good, the bad, the inspirational, and the gut-wrenching unexpected.

We've been acknowledged by other industry professionals as two of the best at helping families transition through aging-related challenges.

And, we've walked intimately with the complexities of aging and dementia.

We understand dementia. We understand relationships.

We know what needs to be done to get you to the other side.

 And, we have the experience to back it up. 

Are you ready to realize your full potential?


Get Started Today

Most of us have an experience in our life when we know something greater than ourselves is at work.


That is our story.  

Lee entered the aging space when an executive of an assisted living met her on an airplane and invited her to consider changing career paths.

Robin, when a family friend called and said, “My business is growing so fast. I need your help!”

We laugh now at how quickly we were both called to say "Yes"!

Yes to the amazing opportunity to practice change.   

Yes to the courage it took to explore what is possible.

We are not afraid of change. 

We are good at it.

And you can be too. 

If you support a spouse or partner, care for a family member, or just need a bit of guidance and direction for your own life, we guarantee our coaching services, family resources, and caregiving fundamentals will transform your life.

Are you tired of being surprised?

Do you want to feel less anxiety and fear?

As the saying goes...

If you change nothing, nothing will change.

The time is now. 


Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation

Hi...I'm Robin Andrews Smith

Aging & Dementia Life Coach


A few of my favorite things...

  • I have a master's in Marriage & Family Solution Focused Therapy and 20+ years of experience in behavioral healthcare helping "all the families with all the things". People just like you!    

  • I learned the most I ever have about dementia in 2018 when I collaborated with Orchard Senior Living and piloted the first-of-its-kind dementia demographic model of care for atypical and early-stage 59 to 79-year-olds. Thank you to all of the spouses who inspired our YM Marriage & Dementia program.  You are my greatest teachers! 

  • I absolutely treasure the time I spent working and learning alongside Teepa Snow as the founding Creative Development Director for the internationally acclaimed Positive Approach to Care, LLC. If you haven't checked out her hands-on-care TikToks...do so now!

  • I am forever grateful to Whitney Oeltmann for the opportunity of co-founding Dementia Spotlight Foundation. She continues to grow the Atlanta-based non-profit support providing online education, Dementia Cafes, Dementia Friends GA training, and respite for families.  

Hi...I'm Lee Mohler

Aging & Dementia Life Coach


A few of my favorite things...

  • After graduating from Clemson University, I enjoyed a 15 year career with Delta Air Lines. A serendipitous meeting with a senior living executive led me to my true calling...guiding older adults and their families through life-changing transitions. 

  • I learned the most I ever have about dementia when I worked with The Arbor Company. During my 10 years with Arbor, I received ongoing training from one of the nation's most influential dementia care educators, Teepa Snow.  

  • I treasure the time I spent working and learning alongside Teepa Snow as the Director of Business Development for the internationally acclaimed Positive Approach to Care, LLC. Expanding her reach through the development of certification programs was extremely rewarding.  

  • I am grateful for the individuals and families who invite us into their life experience because they want to learn and grow. It's an honor to be part of their story.

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