Dementia Care Tip; Mood Boosting Scents
May 02, 2021
Do you ever get a whiff of something that immediately transports you back in time?
For us...the smell of freshly cut grass, a slow-cooker pot roast, and a big bowl of Fruit Loops instantly takes us back...
Back to high school football games, Sunday family dinners, and childhood vacations.
It's pretty impressive, right...the relationship between our nose and our brain!
Our sense of smell is actually rooted in the same part of our brain that's responsible for memory and emotion.
In fact, Science Daily reports that smells have a stronger link to memory and emotion than any of our other senses.
Good to know...especially when it comes to dementia.
Pleasant scents can actually help a person with dementia feel happier and improve their mood.
Why? Because emotions last long after memory fades.
So, be sure not to underestimate the power of strong scented flowers, such as roses and lavender...
Or kitchen aromas, such as fresh baked cookies and banana bread.
As the Fruit Loop mascot Toucan Sam, says...
"Follow your nose wherever it goes"...and pay attention to how it makes you feel.
This coming week, treat yourself and/or the person in your care to smells that trigger positive emotions, such as...
A scented candle
Fresh baked cookies...or
A fresh smelling room spray
After all, "Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived." - Helen Keller.
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