Improving Your Mood and Memory
Jul 25, 2021 afternoon power-nap!
Nothing feels much better than effortlessly dozing off during the day.
While there are plenty of dedicated nappers in our midst, there are also dissenters who think of napping as something reserved for children...and some who even view it as lazy.
Lazy?! We respectfully disagree.
And we're not alone...countries like Greece, the Phillippines, Mexico, Costa Rica and Nigeria consider naps a normal part of every day...and not just for retired folks.
If you're lucky enough to be able to incorporate napping into your days, even 10 minutes of shut-eye can leave you feeling more alert and cheerful.
Squeeze in a 30 minute snooze and you're really doing yourself a favor...that extra bit of shut-eye can sharpen your senses and even improve your mood and memory.
Whether you're an experienced napper or thinking of dipping your toe in, the Mayo Clinic shares these tips:
- Take your naps at the same time every day...early in the afternoon is best, as napping after 3 PM can interfere with your nighttime sleep.
- Keep your naps short...30 minutes or less. Longer than 30 minutes can leave you feeling groggy.
So, treat yourself!
Work a nap into every day and notice what a difference it makes.
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