Caregiving; The Healing Power of Animals
Apr 18, 2021
If you love animals, natural beauty, breathtaking cinematography...
AND you enjoy movies that make you feel a range of emotions...
we have a treat for you!
After watching the Netflix documentary, My Octopus Teacher, we knew it was something we had to share...
and not just because it's a beautiful film.
One of things we love most is what it teaches us about the healing power of animals.
Have you ever felt empty, burned out, or disconnected from life?
That's how film maker Craig Foster felt when he embarked on his journey that resulted in this beautiful film.
Needing a reset, he begins free-diving in a beautiful sea kelp forest.
It's there that he meets a curious and gentle young octopus who begins to heal him through their unique bond.
Sound strange? It's actually not surprising at all.
Studies show that people who interact with friendly animals experience...
Increased levels of oxytocin, also known as the "trust, love, or bonding hormone"...
a decrease in cortisol levels, the stress hormone...
AND increased levels of the feel-good brain chemical called dopamine.
It's no wonder Craig experienced such a powerful internal shift!
So, grab some popcorn and settle in for 1.5 hours of sheer enjoyment!
Oh...and don't forget the tissues:)
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