Dementia Care: Responding to Resistance
Jul 04, 2022
Ahhhh freedom!
We are incredibly fortunate to live in a country where we are able to think independently...
Travel without boundaries...
And express ourselves freely.
That is...
Until aging or dementia takes it away.
Sometimes gradually...
Sometimes overnight...
Aging creates "holes" in our "bucket" and our independence begins to drain away.
Truth is...we're all hard-wired for independence.
And yet, you might find yourself judging the person you're caring for when they:
- Don't accept your help
- Deny they need help
- Or, behave in unexpected ways
When this happens, it's easy to label them as "challenging" or "resistant".
But, it's important to keep this in mind:
Even though physical and cognitive changes cause them to become more dependent on you...
They don't want to lose the feeling of independence.
So, they push back.
And you think to yourself, "Now what?"
What if you could create experiences that leave them feeling independent AND competent, enabling you to give them the support they need?
It can be done...and it starts with:
1. Your choice of words.
This is the actual message you deliver to the person you want to help. WORDS MATTER. And you may need to choose differently than you've done in the past.
2. The energy of your emotion.
This is created by the thoughts you show up with. It's important to be aware of what you are thinking, because it controls how you feel. How you feel creates an energy and your ENERGY is interpreted by the other person as positive or negative.
If you're ready for better caregiving experiences, it's time to try something new.
Schedule a complimentary consultation today to learn the secret to building rapport and connection...even when dementia is involved.
As the saying goes...if you change nothing, nothing will change.
Click the pink box below to schedule.
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