Avoiding Caregiver Burnout
Jan 27, 2022
They are powerful, energetic vibrations inside your body that influence how you think and behave.
And, much like the weather, they are always changing...
And can make or break your day...
Which makes being aware of your emotions extremely important.
So, what is your “atmospheric pressure” these days?
Isn’t that a great question?!
Paying attention to what you’re feeling can serve as your own personal barometer...
Helping you take care of yourself...and others.
For example, you have a full day planned but wake up feeling anxious and overwhelmed because you didn’t sleep well.
Do you…
A. Treat it like you would a weather forecast and make necessary adjustments?
B. Stick with your plan and push through anyway?
We’d like to invite you into option A.
Treat your emotions as your personal barometer and adjust accordingly.
This is especially important if you are caring for someone else...
As the emotions that come with caregiving can be intense...
And they shouldn't be ignored.
So, if you feel a storm brewing, give this a try…
- Find a place to relax.
- Place your hands on your abdomen.
- Contract as you breathe in, focusing on your breath.
- Exhale as deeply as you can, focusing only on your breath.
Buddhist Monk, Thich Nhat Han, calls this Mindful Breathing.
We call it amazing…
Because it shifts your focus from the intense vibrations you’re feeling inside to what is happening on the outside...
Making it easier for the storm to pass.
When you don’t pay attention to your personal barometer and your “atmospheric pressure” is high…
You might pay for it in the form of poor sleep, stress eating, drinking too much, etc...
On the other hand, when you pay attention to what you're feeling and adjust accordingly…
You make life better for yourself and the people around you.
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