Caring for the Caregiver
Oct 30, 2021
"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy....
Sunshine in my eyes can make me smile."
Ringing a bell?
That's right...
The lyrics are from "Sunshine on My Shoulders"...
A beautiful song written by John Denver in 1971.
And, a perfect way to introduce this week's TidBit topic...
Sunshine and it's powerful effects on your mental and physical health.
Did you know that exposure to sunshine has a greater impact on your mood than any other environmental factor, including rainfall or temperature?
This is especially important for people living with Alzheimer's or other form of dementia...
Where exposure to bright morning sunlight can help reset circadian rhythms and positively affect mood, sleep, and daily functioning.
But wait, there's more...
We can't overlook the added benefit of getting a dose of the "sunshine vitamin", otherwise known as Vitamin D.
This vital nutrient comes primarily from sun exposure and is needed for the body to use and absorb Calcium, which is necessary for bone health...
And, an integral part of nervous, muscle, and immune system health.
So, if you're not already, make a point to spend at least 30 minutes a day outdoors.
As the song goes...
"If we had a wish we could wish for you...
We'd make a wish for sunshine all the while."
Have a sunny week,
Robin & Lee
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